Having finished my last exam, I can finally breathe in some free and unburdened air. I must also now face the upcoming challenge of moving into my new apartment in Brooklyn, and this will be an entirely new experience for me, especially when it comes to furnishing or decorating my living space. More on that after the move. I will be away from home during the holidays for the first time, partly because of some commitments here in the city, and because airfare to Vancouver is not as affordable as I'd thought. I've only been away for 4 months, but I've only begun to realize how much I miss Vancouver and my parents. My mother's birthday was two days ago, December 13th. I dedicate this post to her because not being able to be with her reminds me not to take her for granted, and my experiences here have taught me to cherish my previously strained relationship with her. One morning about a week ago, I boarded the A express train as usual from Penn Station down to West 4t...
A Place of Reflection, Thought & Inspiration.